Part of the challenge was that the Google Maps directions in the email were going down some roads that had construction.... been here 10 minutes, and some arriving in another 10 minutes. They are building a new biology building. Large campus here. In whatever direction you walk, there are buildings ...
California Gathering 2016
Transcription introduction
Some Bitcoin developers and miners gathered together during the end of the July to socialize and become better acquainted with each other. The following discussions were live transcribed by an untrained volunteer with attribution removed as per...
Google Tech Talk
Okay so maybe we will start. Thank you for coming. We have about 25 folks here from the Bitcoin community, both miners and Core developers. Don't know exactly what the definition of a Core developer is, but I guess I know one when I see one. So anyway, we're lucky here to ...
Community-maintained archive to unlocking knowledge from technical bitcoin transcripts